Friday, December 8, 2023



Matthew 13:49 in the Parable of the Net

This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

This word is taken in the bible but how it will be done is base to the story to be told.

The Beginning
It was eight o clock midnight when young man name Joshua was going to sleep when he got a bad nightmare. In his dream he saw an angel guarding the gates of haven and there is a long big road where souls pass by. The angel flew to the road saw different souls. Because of the Angel is tired seeing the souls always pass by the same road.

The Angel shouted. " Return to earth and find out what happen? Why, they did not make into the gates of heaven.

Suddenly a loud voice told the angel "be careful they might be fallen angel who in the souls of men would like to enter the kingdom of GOD and finish the War of angels in heaven."

When God saw the souls beginning to go back living the light he commanded the Angel Gabriel to see and guard the souls of men who are returning to earth. He also told him to find a body to posses to protect the souls who are intended to go back to heaven. Suddenly the angel spoken to Joshua in his dream that he will lead him to certain point the souls will be given a chance to go back to heaven. This make Joshua awakened and find out it is already four o'clock in the afternoon. He was already late for work.

He call in his office " I got a bad dream and woke up late."

His boss in the company laugh at him and told him
"that he should not be late tomorrow because he should deliver the document on time for bidding."

Joshua agreed and went to the kitchen and cooked. When Joshua wake up early he went up to the bed, eat breakfast and took a bath. The usual morning habit before going to the office. He was a messenger who deliver document in the office. During riding a bus. He saw a strange girl riding a bus the girl was so beautiful and find out talking by her self. Joshua was amaze by her beauty. He talked to her and they become friends instantly. When it is time to go down to the place where he would ride another transport bus. He gave his calling card in case she would need him and went to Makati. When he finish his job as a messenger in the office he went home but it is already late and the tricycle would ever ride any passenger at all, because the gate is closed but the private vehicle can still enter, just the gate where people pass by is already close.. So he decided to walk through the park , while walking he notice a girl was drag at night in the park. He was afraid he hide herself behind the car without noticing the girl praying kneeling down on her knees praying for protection when the man beginning to undress herself to rape her.A white cloud appear in nowhere and an angel of light show up the Man laughed and pull out a knife but the Angel raised his hand and the man banishes like a mist that nowhere can be found. The girl bending praying saw the man was gone she thankful the lord for protection and happy shouting that the" lord is good". Then the Man show up in a long wide road a voice told him what he had done when he was alive. A flash back of memories to infant and to adult show up. He suddenly fell on a deep pit that so dark he cannot see anything just hearing voices in pain in different direction. When a dark person with dark wings approaching he was scared. So he ran, he saw the wide road he try to approach it when the dark person with wings caught him It show up there true identity it was a fallen angel. Looking for soul that they can't go through the gate of heaven. He can here the sound of his wing that pull him to the darkness where nowhere to be found. Because Angels envy the spirit of men it can go though heaven and bank to earth. They been pulled down in darkness that they never go back to earth anymore. Back to Joshua he was surprise when he woke up on a bench as the police man talking at him.

He told him
" I was star gazing that I fell asleep" .

The policeman told him
"Ride to my vehicle and I will escort you way back home". Joshua doubted but because it is already two o clock in the morning he agreed to be escorted.

It was a weekend when suddenly a phone ring it was the girl who she met in the bus and she need his help to accompany two adolescent boys. who want , to watched, a movie. They agreed and gave her address to accompany her two nephews to watch a movie. As he went to the specified address it was a big house in Cavite.

He knock the door when her friend Joan talk to him.
"Hi are you ready to take my nephew into a movie."

Joshua replied.
"Sure where are the boys"

Joan answered."Please come in and take a sit I will just call them."

While Joan prepare a glass of juice for Joshua to drink. Joshua did not know that the glass of juice where drug by sleeping pills. Joshua fell on a deep sleep. When Joan together with his nephew, disciples and false prophet approach Joshua. A black cloud covered the place because her nephews where posses by fallen Angels. A bright light appear to them, it was Gabriel with a sword of light to his hand raise up. Suddenly the fallen Angel posses Joan nephews went out to there body with a black sword in there hand. They went to Gabriel to fight him, it was two to one. When God saw the odds he awaken Joshua to his sleep and turn him to an Angel with wings. He flew toward Gabriel and raised his hand. A bright light arise on his hand that blinded the two fallen Angel . Gabriel swing his sword that vanish the two to the black pit. Gabriel shows to the false prophet and disciples who to worship they bended to there knees and pray. A bright light covered the place. As to Joan and her nephews they will be vanish from earth to eternity. But Joshua prayed for forgiveness.

God spoken
"Only if they accept god in there heart that they will be forgiven."

So Joan and his nephews prayed to accept god sincerely in there heart. A White light lighten there body of his nephew that turn to a spirit as it went up though the heaven. They had given chance to make it right and worship one true god. But becoming an Angel is a Different story it should be earned.

Angel Gabriel Spoken to Joshua
"It will come a time that you will be a Guardian like me from know own your just a Nephalim" As angel Gabriel disappeared.

When Joan saw what happen to Joshua she cried and ask forgiveness what she done to him.

Joshua answered
"It is Okay I forgiven you."

And Joan answer
"Someday I will earned my wings Too."

As both of them embracing, Joshua return to a normal human being and the house changes to an abandoned Old house. That all inside the house wondered.

"Do you notice everything change" as Joshua replied.

"Now I know my sister and her family is already dead. Died on a car accident. but the strange part was my  nephews survived and I thought, they might had a new purpose in life."

"I did not know all this years had pass by there just here to talk to there mother and father using witchcraft."

"With there riches and money they gain friends to live in there house to be just there disciples and prophet."

"It's a good thing god shows us the true god and We see the power of the holy spirit. That forgive my nephews and bring there spirit in heaven."

"As Jesus forgive our sin." as Joan talking to Joshua.

As Joshua and company walked out through the night and take Joan home. He went back to his house and prayed. As a back light effect lighted on his body. A shadow with wing spreading on his back

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