Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Uncut song of Tears for Fears

While watching the concert I was surprise when Roland Orzebal song Memories Fade it had a low tone in the middle. Is this an accident or the intention is not to make a pirated copy. Well some people think that this is a Devil Song. What is a Devil Song anyway ? Well according to book of Revelation 12:17

Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring those who obey God's commandments and told to the testimony of Jesus.

Here the dragon or devil will rage war who believes in gods commandment and testimony of Jesus. What kind of war its a spiritual battle that make people to commit depression, rebellion and aggression in anyway it can be music etc..If you live a godly life in Christ Jesus, [you] will be persecuted.” The Christian life is not a playground; it’s a battleground! In music they do not know why or how it happen; because they think they have not done anything except listen to some music. It is the result of over-stimulating the nervous system, causing confusion, that urges people to put into action the beat they have been listening to all evening. On top of this, there are also subliminal signals. These are exceptionally high signals with a frequency of 3,000 vibrations per second, which is well above the level of human hearing. Listeners cannot hear them as they lie above the frequency range audible to the human ear. These signals stimulate the release of a substance in the brain that has the same effect as drugs. This substance is a natural drug that is produced by the human brain. Individuals feel strange, and the intention is to provoke a need for drugs in them, or the need to continue with the feelings associated with them. Research has shown that 18% of all suicides by young people, and many of the violent acts, can be traced back to "Rock 'n' Roll". Without a doubt, there is a connection between rock and drugs. Now there are lots of question going to my mind the number one is. Does the song considered a ROCK song "No"and who is crazy to listen a song plays back ward with a hidden massages on it. You should be afraid with a song that releases all about devil worshiping. Well so much explanation all about devil song back to memories fade the simple explanation is, the sound system is busted and I laugh when Curt Smith said "I see some devils cult" maybe, because he heard some news that people storm in Tears for Fears rather than Kelly Clarkson worship.


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