Thursday, May 27, 2010


Due for some evidence presented. Is this accurate to point a country to blame. Well to me if you watched so many movies. I think you must think twice or in some court insufficient evidence. Why because  you must have a hard evidence or witnessed to prove it. Well in watching 007 movies you better think dipper. There are certain element to think  and this elements are the economy and its people. The North Korea economy is in turmoil. North Korea, one of the world's most centrally directed and least open economies, faces chronic economic problems. Industrial capital stock is nearly beyond repair as a result of years of underinvestment and shortages of spare parts. Large-scale military spending draws off resources needed for investment and civilian consumption. Industrial and power output have declined in parallel from pre-1990 levels. Severe flooding in the summer of 2007 aggravated chronic food shortages caused by on-going systemic problems including a lack of arable land, collective farming practices, and persistent shortages of tractors and fuel. Large-scale international food aid deliveries have allowed the people of North Korea to escape widespread starvation since famine threatened in 1995, but the population continues to suffer from prolonged malnutrition and poor living conditions. Since 2002, the government has allowed private "farmers' markets" to begin selling a wider range of goods. It also permitted some private farming - on an experimental basis - in an effort to boost agricultural output. In October 2005, the government tried to reverse some of these policies by forbidding private sales of grains and re instituting a centralized food rationing system. By December 2005, the government terminated most international humanitarian assistance operations in North Korea (calling instead for developmental assistance only) and restricted the activities of remaining international and non-governmental aid organizations such as the World Food Program. In May 2008, the US agreed to give 500,000 metric tons of food to North Korea via the World Food Program and US nongovernmental organizations; Pyongyang began receiving these shipments in mid-2008, but in March 2009 rejected additional US aid shipments. The economy probably grew in 2009 as a result of favorable climate conditions and energy assistance from other countries. In December 2009, North Korea carried out a redenomination of its currency, capping the amount of North Korean won that could be exchanged for the new notes, and limiting the exchange to a one-week window. Firm political control remains the Communist government's overriding concern, which will likely inhibit the loosening of economic regulations. Gross domestic product 3.7% (2009 est.)country comparison to the world: 47 3.7% (2008 est.) -2.3% (2007 est.).  If we are on a global crisis this country also affected and it might be the worst effect ever. If I'm there head leader I will do something to negotiate to different country   just survive even to make an international incident just to be heard. Now if you watch lots of movies like bond movies. I will make an international incident and rage war just to protect our country at the back of your mind its better rather than to face a war against  your  people facing poverty and hunger. Well in some cases economic sanction is not an answer. Well we must show them how a democratic country is much lively like what happen in Germany. Show more lights and many food in  south Korea and if the evidence are correct the Filipino people is much more in terms of population rather on North Korea.

The incident of the ship is a fabrication of Cheonan South Korea and the U.S.
Why South Korea rejected the research team offered by the North?
DPR Korea has publicly offered several times to send a team of his army to clarify the incident and prove his innocence. South Korea does not allow it. This quivale to a case without evidence based, no defense for the accused. A court planned to justify aggression and imperialist military buildup of U.S. forces in the Pacific. Like weapons of mass destruction to justify the invasion of Iraq, and have yet to find the Americans.

Who is using Chinese characters?
DPR Korea, proud of their roots and culture, Chinese characters never use any product made in the country. For many years, the DPRK has produced its own tanks, submarines or torpedoes that industry self-confident in their military. This is why the U.S. has always watched the manufacture of weapons such as the DPRK's main export. All manufactured weapons by North Korea using the Korean alphabet, but Yonhap news following, talk of Chinese characters in the fragments of the torpedo.

North Korea used Chinese torpedo attack on ship in South Korea
SEOUL, May 19, 2010 (Yonhap) - Researchers have concluded that North Korea attacked a South Korean ship in March with a Chinese torpedo and they found Chinese writing on the fragments of torpedo collected from the scene, a government source said Wednesday. "The Chinese and Russian torpedoes, respectively, are the Chinese and Russian languages written inside" the source said. "Was written in Chinese torpedo fragments collected from the scene where the ship of 1,200 tons Cheonan patrol broke in half and sank on March 26, he
said. ------------ ------

South Korea is precisely the language regularly used by China in all its manufactured goods, including weapons or torpedoes. In this story of Yonhap News Agency (South Korea), 25 May 2010, we see a ceremony of industrial facilities to manufacture torpedoes. Under the Korean alphabet, can read Chinese characters.
Torpedo factory opened
May 25, 2010, Jinhae, South Korea - An opening ceremony is held to mark the completion of a new manufacturing plant in South Korea torpedoes; Jinhae, South Gyeongsang Province, 25 May. (Yonhap)

How can a single number one weapon to link a certain country?

Viewing this image from Reuters, it seems that the only evidence that allegedly link the torpedo to North Korea is a number 1 written by anyone, this time in Korean language.
Do not originally reported South Korea, Chinese characters were written in the torpedo? How can appear suddenly a new Korean character writing with a pen blue? (Not even marked on the metal)

Here is a photo released by South Korea on the model of the torpedo course North Korea. The differences between the plane of the model (including the superimposed image on a computer) and found the weapon is clear. Especially in the piece number 3, we can see that the position does not resemble at all with the model.


Result of North Korea people who Defected.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mabuhay ang Pilipino ?

              table 1                                                         table 2                                                   table 4                                                                                                                                                  

                                          table 3                                                                                            table 5
We have proven to the world what is to be a Filipino . I find out that not all Filipino are literate or educated.Why because people had voted the same politician that sited before and we should learned to our mistake. For the same mistake happen previous election .Just like popularity contest because we see there faces 24/7 in the TV. In senators the actors had the most votes look what I had found out in the economics in the Philippines. Development economics From Wikilpedia, the free encyclopedia. Development economics is a branch of economics which deals with economic aspects of the development process in low-income countries. Its focus is not only on methods of promoting economic growth and structural change but also on improving the potential for the mass of the population, for example, through health and education and workplace conditions, whether through public or private channels. Development economics involves the creation of theories and methods that aid in the determination of policies and practices and can be implemented at either the domestic or international level. This may involve restructuring market incentives or using mathematical methods like inter-temporal optimization for project analysis, or it may involve a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods. Unlike in many other fields of economics, approaches in development economics may incorporate social and political factors to devise particular plans. Also unlike many other fields of economics, there is "no consensus" on what students should know.Different approaches may consider the factors that contribute to economic convergence or non-convergence across households, regions, and countries.

Definition: The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) represents the total value of the goods and services produced by an economy over some unit of time (a month, a season, a year etc.). The "Domestic" part of the name comes from the fact, unlike GNP, it does not consider imports or exports in the calculation

Gross National Product. GNP is the total value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a particular year, plus income earned by its citizens (including income of those located abroad), minus income of non-residents located in that country. Basically, GNP measures the value of goods and services that the country's citizens produced regardless of their location. GNP is one measure of the economic condition of a country, under the assumption that a higher GNP leads to a higher quality of living, all other things being equal.

The Difference between the two is the income abroad. This income abroad can be companies that base in Philippines had also company abroad that generate income. In can be also OFWs that earn abroad giving money in the Philippines. Consider in the table GDP are only good and services base in Philippines see table 1. Tingnan niyo sa Total Debts ng Gross Domestic Product or See the total debts in gross domestic product. Debts in Filipino utang translate in Filipino utang ng mga produkto at serbisyo sa Pilipinas itoy kinakatawan ng ibat ibang klase produkto at serbisyo or it is compose of different kind of product and services in the Philippines. Do you see the comparison or anong pagkakaiba. Eh mas malakas ang utang noong 1988-1998 na ang pangulo ng dalawa ay si Cory at Ramos Oh di ba best friend yung dalawa. Sumunod na taon may Edsa 2 na empeach si Erap na pumalit si Gloria yan 2007-2008 tingnan niyo kakaunti nalang ang utang pagkat walang magpautang dahil nasa resesyon ang amerika at binabayaran ng mga Pilipino sa pamamgitan ng interest at dollar remittances mula sa abroad or beginning of Gloria being the president the gross domestic product had lessen because we pay the interest and dollar remittances added to that U.S. is on recession. I want you to see table 2 it is the right or correct table why it pertains the definition of GDP or GNP. In table 2 Filipino force to go abroad because of large debt and sudden increase of exchange rate that's why OFWs are the heroes of our country because of remittances. Going to table 3 the government allocation and expenditure. The basis of corruption are particulars that are not notice sable this are flood control, education,  culture, manpower and other service. Another basis is the industrial owner who gives money and  property in the company that they profit on it. Without an industrial owner the company will not exist. In education does the book changes monthly. Does school renovate monthly and sometimes the school had other sources or funds for such renovation and laboratory etc. In table 4 this is a comparison of gross domestic product or GDP in the Philippines this comparison pertain comparison of two dictatorship between Philippines and Korea it did not mention weather it is south or north.  I put in to consideration that it is North because south is not a Dictator country. It had a increase in GDP mention in the table 4 and the Total Factor Production decreases in 1950-1987 because of people power. The meaning of Total Factor Production is a variable which accounts for affects in the total output not cause by input. The variable that hinders production. It tell us that Filipino had a increase TFP and GDP in Marcos regime compare to Korea. In table 5 the effect of people power to the Total Factor Production. It also tell us that people just stayed at home or left the country in the event of people power. Do you believed media is the major factor of this event. Conclusion it is a survival of the fittest nobody can stop corruption. Surely in Noynoy being the president there is corruption.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Uncut song of Tears for Fears

While watching the concert I was surprise when Roland Orzebal song Memories Fade it had a low tone in the middle. Is this an accident or the intention is not to make a pirated copy. Well some people think that this is a Devil Song. What is a Devil Song anyway ? Well according to book of Revelation 12:17

Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring those who obey God's commandments and told to the testimony of Jesus.

Here the dragon or devil will rage war who believes in gods commandment and testimony of Jesus. What kind of war its a spiritual battle that make people to commit depression, rebellion and aggression in anyway it can be music etc..If you live a godly life in Christ Jesus, [you] will be persecuted.” The Christian life is not a playground; it’s a battleground! In music they do not know why or how it happen; because they think they have not done anything except listen to some music. It is the result of over-stimulating the nervous system, causing confusion, that urges people to put into action the beat they have been listening to all evening. On top of this, there are also subliminal signals. These are exceptionally high signals with a frequency of 3,000 vibrations per second, which is well above the level of human hearing. Listeners cannot hear them as they lie above the frequency range audible to the human ear. These signals stimulate the release of a substance in the brain that has the same effect as drugs. This substance is a natural drug that is produced by the human brain. Individuals feel strange, and the intention is to provoke a need for drugs in them, or the need to continue with the feelings associated with them. Research has shown that 18% of all suicides by young people, and many of the violent acts, can be traced back to "Rock 'n' Roll". Without a doubt, there is a connection between rock and drugs. Now there are lots of question going to my mind the number one is. Does the song considered a ROCK song "No"and who is crazy to listen a song plays back ward with a hidden massages on it. You should be afraid with a song that releases all about devil worshiping. Well so much explanation all about devil song back to memories fade the simple explanation is, the sound system is busted and I laugh when Curt Smith said "I see some devils cult" maybe, because he heard some news that people storm in Tears for Fears rather than Kelly Clarkson worship.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

THE AWAITED Tears for Fears Concert

It was an awaited event with me and many others new waver who love the 80's song and always wear color black dress. This are groupies who love music in the 80's. Well those who love Spandau and Duran Duran, I'm sorry to say they broke up, when they had there first concert here in Manila. Its a good thing that Tears for Fears finally make an Asia tour. It was a sold out ticket. When we watch, with my sister it was an event to remember, but the sad thing is where Korina Sanches the wife of Mar Roxas show up on the wide screen. Showing the L signed and the rest of the Liberal party and they been "boo!!!" at the Araneta Coliseum. Its a good thing that Roland Orzabal member of Tears for Fears shouted "Biiip Dam Politics" and all the people in the Araneta Cheer up.

Here are behind the scene of the concert tears for fears live in Manila.


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